After emerging from a small cave, I stepped into a lush jungle and glanced around into the thick layers of green, trying to spot the wolf. But above me I heard a rustling, and there I saw him. A lone monkey, sitting and staring right back at me.
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Calon Arang
A sacred Balinese ceremony
Sacred Ceremony of Calon Arang (Patriarchal Oppression)
What the heck did we just witness??
Madā, the organizer of the Monkey Forest and rice terrace bike tour for Unsettled in Bali, invited anyone from our group who was interested to come to a rare, sacred, 5 hour village ceremony happening from 9pm-2am, called Calon Arang. While there are ceremonies happening just about every single day around Bali, this one is not attended by tourists, or frankly, white people.
Read MoreThy Cup Overfloweth
Right now, and in every moment before and after it, a transaction is taking place. We are either gaining energy for ourselves, or giving energy to the world. Each person, place, or thing in our lives either provides or removes that energy we have to give.
Our cup fillers and our cup suckers
Read MoreWe Are All Unsettled
"We must let go of the life we have planned, so as to accept the one that is waiting for us."
- Joseph Campbell
How perfect that I found and posted this quote just one year ago today...
Read MoreBali: Shadow Puppets in the Monkey Forest
From the moment I stepped foot in Bali, it's been a mix of traveling, unpacking, logistics, orientations, getting to know people, and a few delicious meals. While going with the flow, I was starting to get an itch to experience some Balinese culture.
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