One of the final things I worked on before leaving Funko was logo for their 'Jambot' line as well as Funkotronics. Robot and logo conception by the genius Rob Schwartz, rendering by me.
Nodnik Release
As some of you know, I've been working on a project called the "Nodniks" for about a year here at Funko. This is some of what I've been up to. I worked on the character conception, toy illustration, packaging illustration and overall packaging for each of these. Click to enlarge
There are quite a few more on their way! I'll keep ya updated.
Funko Wall Lovin'
We have a couple very special guests coming in from Japan for a huge pitch tomorrow with a super secret licensor, so we went to town getting some fun on the walls. Sure, it isn't in my job description to apply vinyl, but oh how I love and miss it! Soon I'll snap pics of a walk through of Funko and all the goodies floating around the office. Stay tuned!
Cholo Nodnik
(Click to enlarge images)
This is a custom painted Nodnik, from our new line of art vinyl here at Funko. Hop on over to Nodnik Nation and check out some of the other customs by some really talented artists! You can even get your own to do up and share.
Good Grief Charlie Brown
Charlie Brown - 2006 Made by Funko
I know I've been on a bit of a hiatus lately, but for good reason! I have 2 upcoming shows that require quite a bit of daily creative energy. I'll update about the shows shortly and will work to get some more daily goodness out to ya as well. :)
Rat Fink - Metallic
Spastik Plastik - Sam
Sam (Spastik Plastik) - 2004
Squiddly Diddly
Squiddly Diddly - (ONE OF A KIND resin prototype) Made by Funko
Where The Wild Thing Is
Carol (Where The Wild Things Are) - (2008) Made by Funko
Mermaid Boop
Betty Boop Mermaid - 2003 Made by Funko
Emperor Palpatine
Famous Duo
Dive Bar ney
Barney (Simpsons) - 2007 Made by Funko
Mr. T
I've been working at Funko on this bobble-head toy line called "Nodniks" from its conception, and today, we finally received the molded blank plastics! It's been a long time coming, but we're all super excited about this line. We have some very cool community oriented projects in the works for these guys, so stay tuned!
Sleestak - 12" Bank (Special Edition metallic green) Made by Funko
Toy o' the Day - Monkey Sea Monkey Do
Sea Monkey - 1996 Made by Funko
Toy o' the Day - Iron Man
Iron Man (Funko Force - metallic) - 2009
Toy o' the Day - Marilyn Monroe
Marilyn Monroe (Hollywood) - 2007 Made by Funko
Toy o' the Day - Satan
Satan (South Park) - 2008 Made by Funko